We are so glad that you have visited our website. We are a small church of conservative, Bible based, missionary focused believers who desire to honor the Lord Jesus Christ in the little corner of this earth where God planted us in 1984.
If you are looking for a church with lots of programs for children, or family fun and activities, bowling leagues, or softball teams – we are probably not the church for you.
If you are looking for a church who loves the Lord, supports missionaries, sets aside a special time of prayer on Wednesday night, sings with our hearts, and searches the scriptures to see if the things the preacher says are true – then you should come and visit us.
But, the most important thing we want to say to you is this...If you want to know who God is and why He sent Jesus to die for your sins – come visit us. We will show you from the Bible why Jesus voluntarily died, was buried, and rose again three days later and why that matters to you.
We hope to see you soon…
Sunday services