The following people have been a part of our ministry and are now out in full-time ministry around the world.

Chris & Lori Anderson
Chris Anderson went on to be the founding pastor of Tri-County Bible Church in Madison, Ohio, where he pastored for 15 years. The next 9 years, Chris has pastored Killian Hill Baptist Church in Lilburn, Georgia. He joined Biblical Ministries Worldwide in 2021.
Jeremy & Bonnie Ruth Farmer
Jeremy and Bonnie Ruth have been serving with EMU International since January, 2009. Prior to joining EMU, Jeremy served on the Bible faculty at Northland International University. They are living in Stung Treng for the purpose of learning the Lao language and to help the Cambodian Laotian population establish Laotian churches in that Province.

Sam & Rebecca Saldivar
Bob Jones University
Sam is teaching Bible (primarily Old Testament), including Biblical Hebrew, at BJU and Seminary. He also helps at Hampton Park Baptist Church in Greenville, SC teaching core classes for Sunday School and occasionally preaching.
Tim & Rachel Endean
Tim and Rachel joined the team at Camps Abroad in 2018 as field representatives, and they are excited to be working with young people all over the world. They both grew up in New England and benefited from attending Christian camps as teenagers. Tim counseled for parts of five summers at Christian camps, including The Wilds of New England, and Rachel served in a variety of roles at The Wilds of New England for four summers and several fall camps. In 2016 Tim received his MA in Ministry Studies from Bob Jones University. After he graduated, Tim served young people by working in publishing as an editor of junior high Bible textbooks, while Rachel finished her degree in Christian ministries. Even before they joined Camps Abroad, Tim and Rachel enjoyed ministering to teens in a variety of ways.

Nathan Murphy
I am a missionary to the San Carlos Apache Tribe in Arizona, with Regeneration Reservation serving as my mission board. Our goal is to equip American Indian believers to reach their own people for Christ. Personal evangelism and discipleship are viewed as opportunities to train and learn from Native believers. Jail ministry is also a significant way to bless Native communities. In addition to local ministry opportunities, our team produces printed and digital resources for reaching Indigenous communities (available at todaysnative.org).